As a tax-free lump sum payment, it can pay for final expenses and debts, as well as provide income for the deceased’s dependents.
The advantages of life insurance include:
I can help you select coverage from a variety of life insurance options to meet the needs identified in your financial security plan.Life insurance can play a vital role in your financial security plan - contact us today to find out how.
A registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) has several advantages. For investors under 72, it can allow tax-deferred compound interest and help accumulate savings to achieve long-term retirement goals. It also allows for a variety of choice of specific investment options.
Working together, we can examine and RESP investment options in order to build a customized portfolio that takes into consideration your financial security goals, tolerance to risk and timeline. Contact us today to find out more.
In a segregated fund policy, professional fund managers invest in a variety of individual securities. Depending on the performance of the segregated funds you select, your investment’s unit values will increase or decrease.
As a form of life insurance, it’s important to note that segregated fund policies have distinct advantages for some investors. These can include:
We have access to a wide variety of segregated funds. Contact us today to discuss how they might strengthen your investment portfolio, and to receive an information package about segregated funds.
Note that any amount allocated to a segregated fund may increase or decrease in value, and is invested at the risk of the policyholder.